Kimberlé Crenshaw has been hosting a powerful weekly webinar for the past six weeks through the African American Policy Forum called Under the Blacklight: The Intersectional Failures that COVID Lays Bare. The program has interrogated and analyzed the distinct risks that have fallen on communities of color, including exploitation of restaurant and agricultural workers, the pandemic in Indian country, and the rise of xenophobic violence. Under the Blacklight has had a range of organizers, activists, journalists, and scholars including Rinku Sen, Naomi Klein, Bree Newsome, Ai-Jen Poo, and David Blight. It is exactly the kind of critical intervention this moment calls for.
This week I am pleased to join the conversation, which is focused on the political role of white racism in right-wing response to the pandemic from the White House to the growing far-right protests across the country. Other panelists will Carol Anderson, author of “White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of our Racial Divide”; Dorian Warren, president of The Center for Community Change; Mab Segrest, activist and author of “Memoirs of a Race Traitor”; Alex DiBranco, Executive Director of the Institute for Research on Male Supremacism; and Jason Wilson, who covers the far right for The Guardian.
The program will happen at 8pm EST this Wednesday, May 6. You can register here to join in and ask questions. Please join us.
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