I appear in James Ross Gardner’s article for the New Yorker.
I appear in James Ross Gardner’s article for the New Yorker.
The expanding armed resistance to shutdown orders, from Michigan to Texas, are alarming enough in relation to the deadly spread of Covid 19. The far right is joining with mainstream Republicans, evangelicals, anti-vaxxers and others in this cause, lending it media spectacle along with the threat of real violence. But just as the far right … Read more
Kimberlé Crenshaw has been hosting a powerful weekly webinar for the past six weeks through the African American Policy Forum called Under the Blacklight: The Intersectional Failures that COVID Lays Bare. The program has interrogated and analyzed the distinct risks that have fallen on communities of color, including exploitation of restaurant and agricultural workers, the … Read more
This morning I drove up to what I expected to be a small protest on a rainy Saturday at the state capitol. Nearing Salem on Interstate 5 I began seeing vehicles adorned with various patriotic symbols, and stickers on cars from across the Cascade mountains with stickers that read “Re-open Central Oregon.” When I got … Read more
Hi Readers, I’ve extended some of the themes in the blog in this new piece for The New Republic: https://newrepublic.com/article/157505/morbid-ideology-behind-drive-reopen-america?utm_source=social&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=sharebtn&fbclid=IwAR2SXXy2HN3h0X-3vzcKiny34MrSaTtpiLFDgH1aXMWA9YIjrGhFreeP12I